College Entrance Tests
College Entrance Tests
- It's suggested that students take the SAT and/or ACT Tests at the end of Junior year, if planning to apply to college(s) that require these scores.
- Seniors may retake these tests in the fall of their senior year
- Colleges will use the most "favorable" score (check with college to see if they will superscore)
- Typically, students will need to send official SAT and/or ACT scores (from testing organization) to their colleges
- Register early (at least 1 month prior to to the test date)
- Students may apply for accommodations for SAT, SAT Subject Tests, PSAT/NMSQT, and Advanced Placement exams BEFORE registering for an exam. Approved accommodations will apply for all College Board exams. For more information, please talk to your school Counselor.
- Students must apply for accommodations for ACT exams AFTER registering for an exam. For more information, please talk to your school Counselor.

2024 PSAT / NMSQT: October 22 and 23 @ 8:00am
Attention Sophomores and Juniors
2024 PSAT / NMSQT: October 22 and 23 @ 8:00am Attention Sophomores and Juniors
The PSAT registration season has officially begun. Check your email for a special message just for Juniors this week with a link to register. See below for upcoming dates:
Wednesday, September 4th @ 6 pm: Registration opens for current Juniors via a ParentSquare message.
Wednesday, September 11th @ 6 pm: Registration opens for current Sophomores via a ParentSquare message.
Sunday, September 22nd @ 11:59 pm: Registration closes for all grade levels.
PSAT Frequently Asked Questions
PSAT Frequently Asked Questions
These answers pertain to the Spring 2024 tests that will be hosted at Oak Ridge High School. Information may vary at the other testing sites.
Students taking the PSAT test need to bring their own laptop or tablet. No personal Chromebooks are allowed. Please make sure all parental control screen time limits are diabled as this could result in the student being unable to complete their test.
2. What is BlueBook?
Bluebook is a testing application from College Board. Students use Bluebook to take the digital PSAT. BlueBook is required for all students. In order for BlueBook to work properly, all applications that run in the background must be shut down. Please make sure to disable this feature, especially for those of you who have gaming laptops, before you arrive for the test.
3. What time should I arrive?
Plan on arriving at your testing location at 7:45am or prior. The doors to each testing room will open at 8:00am. All students must check-in no later than 8:15am.
4. How long does the PSAT take?
The standard PSAT take 2 hours and 14 minutes. Accommodated PSAT testing will take longer depending on what accommodations you are approved for.
5. What do I need to bring to the PSAT?
Test takers should have an approved photo ID, their testing device, an approved calculator, extra batteries for their calculator, pens and/or pencils for writing on scratch paper (all scratch paper will be provided), snacks (if desired), and a drink (if desired).
6. What kinds of ID are acceptable for entry into the PSAT?
7. Can I bring my phone to the PSAT?
- Valid driver’s license
- State issued non-driver ID card
- Official School issued ID from the school the student attends (must be a physical ID or printout, Minga and digital IDs are not acceptable)
- Passport
- Military ID card
- Military Common Access Card (CACs)
All phones, smart watches, and any other electronic devices (not the laptop or tablet being used to take the test) must be powered down before testing begins. If a student's phone goes off during the test, the student will be dismissed from the exam and their score will be canceled.
SAT vs. ACT Differences
SAT vs. ACT Differences
Click the button to view the differences between these two tests.