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    Looking for more opportunities?

    Looking for more opportunities?

    Check out the College and Career Center Extracurricular Activities Page:
    - Volunteer Opportunities
    - Internships
    - Summer Programs
    - Contests and Events
    Upcoming Events
    Oak Ridge and EDUHSD Sponsored Events

    Oak Ridge and EDUHSD Sponsored Events

    Ongoing Events

    Ongoing Events

    College Rep Visits

    Throughout the Fall semester, admissions representatives from colleges across the country will visit the Oak Ridge College and Career Center. As college reps schedule their visits, we will promote their upcoming visits through Parent/Student Square. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE SCHEDULE (subject to change on a weekly basis)

    Flex Time Workshops and Events

    Throughout the year the College and Career Center will be hosting workshops in order to prepare you for life after graduation. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE SCHEDULE
    ASVAB Career Exploration Program

    ASVAB Career Exploration Program

    Fall: October 9, 2024
    Spring: March 20, 2025
    Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm
    This is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery with Career Exploration Program. Even if you’re not interested in the military careers, consider this a great career exploration opportunity, and a chance to hone in on your interests and strengths and see how they might help you discover civilian careers! Student scores are not shared with the military. If a student chooses to use their score for enlistment, they may choose to do so. 
    EDUHSD Career Expo

    EDUHSD Career Expo

    Date: March 6, 2025
    Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
    Location: Union Mine High School
    This large and highly interactive event will feature all types of careers, as well as local volunteer opportunities, and local employers with job openings for seasonal employees and graduating seniors.
    Career EXPO is designed for students to connect with community members, find resume-building opportunities, and gather information to help them in making decisions about their future. El Dorado County students in all grades and the community are invited to attend this FREE event.
    CLICK HERE to learn more
    ORHS Senior Military Send Off

    ORHS Senior Military Send Off

    Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2025
    Time: 12:22pm - 12:52pm
    Location: The Large Gym
    We will recognize our graduating Seniors who have commited to serving in the United States Armed Forces. This includes enlistment, reserves, ROTC, and Academy.
    Are you a senior who has made the desicion to serve in the United States Military? If so, we want to honor you. Please CLICK HERE and fill out the Google Form.
    ORHS Scholarship Awards Night

    ORHS Scholarship Awards Night

    Date: May 15, 2025
    Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
    Location: ORHS Theater
    At this invitation only event, we will recognize the graduating seniors who selected to receive local/community-based scholarships, and we will honor the community members and organizations who provide these opportunities for our students.