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Need Tutoring?
The Counseling Office has lists of adult tutors and student tutors in various subject areas. Some tutors volunteer their time, while others have an hourly rate. You will have the freedom to find a tutor from our lists that best fits your needs. If you have questions, please reach out to the Counseling Office.
Flex Time Tutoring
Tutoring is often available as a flex time activity for students. Look for these options in RTI Scheduler and sign up ahead of time.
How to Access Tutor Lists
To view any of our student tutor lists (linked below), an ORHS student will be required to login to their school google account. If you are the parent of an Oak Ridge student, please ask your student to access these lists. Please do not submit a request for access to these documents when prompted. With any questions regarding access, please contact Alyce in the Counseling Office: arogers@eduhsd.k12.ca.us
Student Tutors
Conidential lists of ORHS student tutors. These will require a student's eduhsd login - google email/username and password
- ALL SUBJECTS: List of student tutors from the ORHS National Honor Society - (Student EDUHSD google login is required)
- MATH: List of student tutors from the ORHS Math Department (Student EDUHSD google login is required)
- SPANISH: List of student tutors from the ORHS Spanish Department (Student EDUHSD google login is required)
Adult Tutors
Anyone can click on the link to open/view the list of local adult tutors.