Earth and Space Science: Students will investigate the various areas of earth and space science. This is an introduction to equipment and techniques that will be applied in biology, chemistry, and physics. Satisfies Earth and Space graduation requirement.
Biology: Biology is the study of living systems. Those concepts fundamental to the understanding of all life include: biological molecules, energy transfer through photosynthesis, cell respiration and fermentation, cell structure and function, classification, DNA structure and function, protein synthesis, genetics, evolution, and ecology.
Chemistry: Chemical principals will be applied to inquiry, investigation, and application to real-world and global challenges.
Advanced Chemistry: Students in this laboratory science course study the natural elements and the changes they undergo. This course will develop the capacity to reason and provide students with a sound base from which students can pursue a career in one of the health fields or sciences This course satisfies Earth and Space Science graduation requirement. This course is suitable for all college-bound students with strong math skills and an interest in a science or technology career.
Environmental Science: Environmental principals will be applied to inquiry, investigation, and application to real-world and global challenges.
Physics: This course is designed for students who wish to understand the functions and applications of such areas as forces, motion, energy, heat, light, sound, electricity, and electronics. This course satisfies the Earth and Space Science graduation requirement.
Advanced Placement Biology: Equivalent to first-year college biology course. This course is designed to be taken by students after the successful completion of a first course in high school biology and high school chemistry. II aims to provide students with the conceptual framework, factual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing science of biology_ Prepares student for AP Biology exam. This course is conducted at college level.
Advanced Placement Chemistry: This AP Chemistry course provides students with a college-level foundation to support future advanced coursework in chemistry. This class will review basic chemistry concepts learned in the first year chemistry, go more in-depth for the topics of acids/bases, buffers, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, solubility, equilibrium.
Advanced Placement Environmental Science: This Advanced Placement course is equivalent to a first-year college-level course in Environmental Science. II provides a stimulating and challenging experience for able students, preparing them for the Advanced Placement Environmental Science Exam.
Human Physiology: This course focuses on the biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology of the human body. Cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems will be studied, with an emphasis on the medical field. Some dissection is expected.