Art 1: This is an introductory art class into the fundamentals of creating compositions, drawing, painting, art history, art appreciation, and aesthetic judgment. Projects in the class will emphasize the elements and principles of design. This course is a prerequisite for Art II/ Advanced and AP Art.
Art 2/Advanced: Advanced Art is an extension of the skills and techniques developed in Art 1. This course is intended for students who wish to continue their studies of drawing, painting, and art history. Projects will require the students to work and create at a more advanced level.
Advanced Placement Studio Art: The AP Studio Art program enables highly motivated students to do college-level work in studio art while in high school. AP Studio Art is not based on a written examination; instead, candidates submit a portfolio of work for evaluation and possible college credit at t he end of the school year. AP work does involve significantly more time and commitment than most high school courses; therefore, the program is intended for students seriously committed to the study of art.
3-D Design: This is an introductory course. Introduces composition design, as well as the basic elements and principles of design involved with 2- and 3-dimensional art. Areas of study may include ceramics, collage, metalwork, stained glass, plaster, printmaking and other media. This course satisfies the VAPA graduation requirement. This course is a prerequisite for Advanced 3-Dimensional Design. Problem solving is emphasized.
Digital Imaging: Digital Imaging is a "school to career'' course for the digital artist. Students will learn computer graphics applications, gain hands-on experience with field devices and build on design foundations.
Drama: The first semester will survey the basic ski lls every actor needs, such as theatre term inology, movement, improvisation, and vocal techniques . The second semester will explore acting techniques, including extensive pract ice in character development, line interpretation, and stage presence, culm inating in performance. Course requirement includes 10 hours per semester of ext racurricular theatre experience.
Advanced Drama: Advanced acting requires a full understanding of the theatre, past and present, so students wil l study history and genre through class activities and scene work in a vari ety of periods and types of plays. Training in makeup, costuming, sound and lighting techniques, and directing will also be offered. Play production will be part of the class as well. Students will develop a promotional campaign, design programs and sets, pursue acting and script skills such as identification of a playwright's intent, what mood a play requires and how sets affect the play. The emphasis will be on theatre as an art form. Course requirement includes 20 hours per semester of extracurricular activity. Advanced Drama (#0621) and Advanced Drama Second Year (#0622) will meet the 4th year high school English requirement.
Theater Technology and Producation: The Theatre Technology class is designed to give the student an overview of the various components that make up the practical/technical side of the performing arts. The class will survey the areas of business management, costuming, lighting, makeup, promotion, set construction, sound, and team building. Each element will be explored from the standpoint of concept, design, and practical application, with opportunities for implementation during one of the season's productions. Careers in theatre will also be investigated, through research using our extensive Career Center, in terviews with working professionals, and optional internship assignments.
Beginning/Intermediate Instruments: This course is designed for students with an interest in learning or improving their skills on an instrument. Students may study woodwinds, brass, percussion, guitar, piano, electric bass, or strings.
Advanced Band: Symphonic / Marching Band: This course is for the advanced music student. The first part of the year is spent as a marching band. At the conclusion of the football season, the band prepares for the concert season. Attendance is required at all performances and extra rehearsals. This is a performance-oriented class.
Advanced Band: Wind Ensemble: This course is open to all advanced wind, brass, and percussion students. Enrollment may be limited, which may call for auditions in sections having more people than needed. This is a performance class for students interested in improving their musicianship through performance of serious musical literature and study of advanced theory and music history. Attendance is required at all performance and extra rehearsals.
Jazz Ensemble: This course is open to all advanced sax, trumpet, trombone, and rhythm players. Enrollment may be limited, which may call for auditions in those sections having more people than needed. Students may be required to enroll concurrently in Advanced Symphonic/Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, or Concert Band, at the discretion of the instructor. This is a performance class, which follows the same basic rules as Advanced Band (see above). Music played will be accepted jazz improvisation as well as standard repertoire. Attendance is required at all performances and extra rehearsals. This is a performance-oriented class.
General Chorus: This is a basic singing class. This is the only singing class open to freshmen without auditions. It is required for preparation for advanced singing courses. Basic techniques of breath control, tone production, reading music, vowel tone, and consonant articulation. Some public performance is required.
Baritone Chorus: This is a class in vocal performance for the baritone or changing voice. All members are automatically members of the Chorale (combined vocal classes). This is a performance course and attendance is required at all events.
Treble Ensemble: This is an advanced two-, three-, and fourpart singing course. Attendance is required at all performances. All members are automatically members of combined chorale.
Chamber Singers: This course meets UC/CSU standards for VAPA Course. The ensemble meets 8th period, which is outside of the regular school day, although it does give full credit. In this select, audition only ensemble, students sing in 3-8 part harmony using contemporary and historical music, learning to use microphone technique, solo opportunities, and advanced music literacy concepts. Concurrent enrollment in an additional music class is required, unless waived by the director due to scheduling conflicts. Auditions are held each May, with any additional open positions being filled in August if necessary.
A Cappella Choir: This course includes three- to eight-part singing a cappella as well as accompanied. Attendance is required at all performances. All members are automatically members of combined chorale.
Dance 1: This is an introductory Dance class designed so that a beginner, as well as, an advanced dancer can learn and have fun! The class will cover a variety of dance styles, including: party dances, disco, musical theatre, hip hop, jazz, lyrical, line dancing, and ballroom.
Dance 2: Dance II continues to develop the dancer as artist and technician. Emphasis is placed on technique and style, choreography, and performance components. Production elements, such as basic training in makeup, costuming, and directing, wil l be developed throughout this course. A course requirement includes 5 hours per semester of extracurricular dance/theater experience. Each student wil l perform in front of a school or community audience regularly.